Inglês, perguntado por carollinyvictoria26, 2 meses atrás

6) Mark an interrogative clause in the text: A) Do you want to travel to Atlanta with me? B) Carter doesn't want to travel to Los Angeles. C) Lance is talkative and thin. D) Lance wants to visit Los Angeles.​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Simple present   >>   Interrogative form

Mark an interrogative clause in the text:

A) Do you want to travel to Atlanta with me? >> interrogative  

B) Carter doesn't want to travel to Los Angeles. >> negative

C) Lance is talkative and thin.  >>  afirmative

D) Lance wants to visit Los Angeles.​  >>  affirmative

Alternativa correta letra ''A''

Justificativa: frase começa com ''does'' e no final há ponto de interrogação.


O Simple Present é usado para descrever ações que acontecem todo dia.

She goes to school. - Ela vai para a escola.

I go to the grocery on Saturday. - Eu vou ao mercado no sábado.

We watch TV at night. - Nós assistimos TV à noite.


do     >>   usado com I - we - you - they

does >>   usado com he - she - it


Do / Does + sujeito + verbo forma original + complemento

Do you study German?

Does he live in Sao Paulo?

Do they play tennis?

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