Inglês, perguntado por jl3084946, 8 meses atrás

6. Complete as Orações Condicionais. a. If he calls me, I (will speak/speak) to him.

b. Wood (floats/will float) if you put it in water.

c. If dogs are frightened, they.

d. If you study hard, you

(will bark/bark).

(will pass/pass) your examination

e Water (boils/will beil) if the temperature reaches 100 degrees Celsius. (will visit/visit) you if I have time.


g. If the temperature is below zero, water.

(will die/die) if they don't breathe

(will freeze/freezes) (will have/have) lunch together if you arrive on time. h. We i. People

7. Complete as sentenças com a Condicional 0 ou 1. Use as verbos entre parênteses

o) If Heloisa b) They. (to arrive) early, she will prepare dinner. (not/ to allow) you to enter if you forget your ID card.

c) She .(not/ to pass) her driving test if she doesn't study.

d) Your mother (to come) if you call her

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por eduardafranzoni7

6 - a) will speak

b) floats

c) bark

d) will pass

e) boils

f) não tem frase (?)

g) freezes

h) will have

i) die

7 - a) arrives

b) won't allow

c) won't pass

d) will come

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