Inglês, perguntado por noemifolmer45, 1 ano atrás

6) Check the alternative that phrase is correctly written in Present Continuous and Past Continuous, respectively.
2 pontos
She is studying English every day. / They was doing their homework daily.
She is studying English every day. / They were doing their homework daily.
She is studying English every day. / They wasn't doing their homework daily.
Only first and second alternatives are correct.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por 0000052081

She is studying English every day. / They was doing their homework daily.

She is studying English every day. / They were doing their homework daily.

She is studying English every day. / They wasn't doing their homework daily.

Respondido por CavalinhodaNet


Explicação:She is studying English every day. / They was doing their homework daily.

She is studying English every day. / They were doing their homework daily.

She is studying English every day. / They wasn't doing their homework daily.

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