Inglês, perguntado por ZeCamperim, 4 meses atrás

5) Read again the following fragments from the text on pages 38 and 39 choose the correct item (₢ or ₢) that completes each sentence below. Write the answers in your notebook.

1. ''(...) start defining ourselves by what we are''

2. ''(...) ask yourself not me, who? If not now, when?''

A. In fragments and II, ourselves and yourself are used because the subject and the subject and object *

( ) are the same person.
( ) are not the same person.

B. The reflexive pronoun below that is in the plural form is *

( ) “ourselves”.
( ) “yourself ”

7) Why is the reflexive pronoun themselves used in the quote below? Choose A or B and write the answer in your notebook.

''There never will be complete equality until women themselves help to make laws and elect lawmakers''.

A) To emphasize the expression “complete equality”. ( )

B) To emphasize the word “women”. ( )

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por nathantorrenterocha

Oiii, Boa tarde.

5) Read again the following fragments from the text on pages 38 and 39 choose the correct item (▲ or ∎) that completes each sentence below. Write the answers in your notebook.

I.  ''(...) start defining ourselves by what we are''

II. ''(...) ask yourself not me, who? If not now, when?''

a. In fragments I and II, ourselves and yourself are used because the subject and the subject and object *

( X ) are the same person.

(    ) are not the same person.

b. The reflexive pronoun below that is in the plural form is *

( X ) “ourselves”.

(    ) “yourself ”

7) Why is the reflexive pronoun themselves used in the quote below? Choose A or B and write the answer in your notebook.

''There never will be complete equality until women themselves help to make laws and elect lawmakers''.

a) To emphasize the expression “complete equality”. (    )

b) To emphasize the word “women”. ( X )

Bons Estudos :)

Respondido por windons10new



( X ) are the same person.

(    ) are not the same person.


( X ) “ourselves”.

(    ) “yourself ”


a) To emphasize the expression “complete equality”. (    )

b) To emphasize the word “women”. ( X )

Bons estudos ai ^-^

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