5 frases negativa q tenha no verbo tu be
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Abaixo, todas as frases estão no simple present na forma negativa. Está bem simples mesmo...:
1. He isn't a murderer
2. She isn't here to help you
3. I am not blind
4. They aren't good students
5. You aren't doing it properly
Não conheço seu professor, mas talvez ele goste de um esquema um pouco mais "variado" que se encaixe nesses mesmos requisitos..:
1. He couldn't be here in time
2. You aren't fast enough.
3. I am almost sure he isn't going to help you
4. Being religious does not mean being kind
5. The barking dog isn't hungry.
1. He isn't a murderer
2. She isn't here to help you
3. I am not blind
4. They aren't good students
5. You aren't doing it properly
Não conheço seu professor, mas talvez ele goste de um esquema um pouco mais "variado" que se encaixe nesses mesmos requisitos..:
1. He couldn't be here in time
2. You aren't fast enough.
3. I am almost sure he isn't going to help you
4. Being religious does not mean being kind
5. The barking dog isn't hungry.
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