Inglês, perguntado por clarice12168, 7 meses atrás

5-) Complete as sentenças com a forma correta do verbo entre parênteses.

a) I wish I Tie (tie) my dog to the fence.

b) My children wish that I _______________________ (buy) them more presents every Christmas.

c) I wish I _______________________ (hear) my mother about the weather.

d) I wish I _______________________ (get) paid twice a month instead of once a month.

e) I wish he _____________________ (stop) doing that noise.

f) Danny wishes her husband ___________________ (go) home earlier every day.

Me ajudem pfvvvvr​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por dudu06022005


b) bought

c) heard

d) got

e) stop

f) went

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