Inglês, perguntado por forteaventura49, 8 meses atrás

4.preenche os espaços em branco com o pronome possessivo adequado em inglês.
A) Robert went to____ hotel and his friends went to____.
B) I always wash____ ganes before meals. Do you wash____?
C)Hill brushes____ teeth after breakfast, Katie doesn't brush____.
D)I'm going to shine____ shoes; let me shine____ too.
E)the Hindus have____ customs and we Brazilians have____.
F)foi take cara of____ bike and i'll take care of____.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por arthurroque727


A) Robert went to his hotel and his friends went to theirs.

B) I always wash my hands before meals. Do you wash yours?

C)Hill brushes his teeth after breakfast, Katie doesn't brush hers.

D)I'm going to shine my shoes; let me shine yours too.

E)the Hindus have their customs and we Brazilians have ours.

F)foi take cara of my bike and i'll take care of his. (?) (Essa frase está escrita errada) ​

espero de ter ajudado.

forteaventura49: muito obrigada, foi um erro no corretor a letra F
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