Ed. Física, perguntado por lydmarcia, 9 meses atrás

4 - In the end. Lowood School
1 - Mr. Brocklehurst,
a) was the owner of the school
b) was a teacher in the school
a) became worse
b) became better
2 - In the spring
5 - Jane Eyre
a) left the school as so
b) stayed at the school
a) many girls became ill and died.
b) all the girls left the school
3 - Miss Temple.
a) became sick.
b) helped the sick children
6 - Use the words in the box to complete this text.
A teacher I remember​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lilicamdavila55


Bom, irei traduzir pra facilitar sua resposta

4 - No final. Lowood School

1 - Sr. Brocklehurst,

a) era o dono da escola

b) era professora da escola

a) piorou

b) ficou melhor

2 - Na primavera

5 - Jane Eyre

a) deixou a escola assim

b) ficou na escola

a) muitas meninas adoeceram e morreram.

b) todas as meninas deixaram a escola

3 - Srta. Temple.

a) adoeceu.

b) ajudou as crianças doentes

6 - Use as palavras da caixa para completar o texto.

Um professor que eu lembro

luisburrinho96: cê tem demencia ?
lvalentim393: MANO?
eduaardoojesus0: coitada kjkj
Respondido por AnnaClara961



1- a) was the owner of the school.

2- b) many girls became ill and died.

3- b) helped the sick children.

4- b) became better.

5- b) stayed at the school and became a teacher.

6- hated








(nessa ordem)

7- (Neste exercício é para você falar sobre algum professor que você já teve.)

Resposta: I have a history teacher that I admire a lot, the way he teaches and also the beautiful works he creates, he is a painter, a teacher, a genius and a great person.


se32456890: Eh sobre issoo
gabrieldesenhoarte: Baka
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