Inglês, perguntado por apolomsilva, 3 meses atrás

4- Fill in the gaps with the comparative of superiority. ( Preencher as lacunas com o comparativo de superioridade. )
a) Lisa is _________(young) than her sister Mary.
b) Diana is __________(pretty) than Sue.
c) Claire is __________(heavy) than Mary.
d) Julie is _______(good) at science than her friend.
e) Charles is __________(generous) than his brother.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Anoniminhomeajuda


a) younger

b) prettier

c) heavier

d) better

d) não sei

Respondido por eduardafranzoni7

a) Lisa is younger (young) than her sister Mary.

b) Diana is prettier (pretty) than Sue.

c) Claire is heavier (heavy) than Mary.

d) Julie is better (good) at science than her friend.

e) Charles is more generous (generous) than his brother.​

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