Inglês, perguntado por stefanydgarcia2, 3 meses atrás

4)Complete as frases no Futuro Simples, de acordo com sua forma expressa entre parênteses:

I ____________________________ my bed as soon as I get home. ( negative/ to make)
He _______________________________________the first man to land.( Afirmativa/ to be)
They _____________________________________ me anywhere. ( Negativa / to find)
I ___________________________________________ if you’ll find me.(Afirmativa/ to know)
We ______________________________ you happy in a moment! ( Negativa/ to make)

5) Encontre os erros e corrija as frases no Futuro Simples:
I will make my bed as soon as I get home. (I / Negativa) __________________________________________________________________
He won’t be the first man to land.( He/Afirmativa)
Won’t they find me anywhere? ( They / Interrogativa)
We don’t will make you happy in a moment! ( We/Negativa)

stefanydgarcia2: alguém responde??prescinso pra até meia noite
stefanydgarcia2: obg, ta pendente.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por zeroutwo


I will not  make my bed as soon...

he will be the first man to land.

they will not find...

I'll know...

we will not make...


I will not make my bed as soon as I get home. (I / Negativa)

He will be the first man to land. ( He/Afirmativa)

will they find me anywhere? ( They / Interrogativa)

We  will  not make you happy in a moment! ( We/Negativa)


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