Inglês, perguntado por sroselaine40, 5 meses atrás

4) Complete as frases com o presente simples dos verbos:

a) She ver friends on weekends.( meet)

b) They for the teste. (study)

c) Felipe very well. (swim)

d) He every night. (sleep)

e)Tom and Jerry in the yard. (playing)

f)My father the newspaper every Sunday. (read)

g) The student the exercises .(do)

h) Laura her bedroom. (Paint)

i) It a Lot in Summer. ( rain)

j) You the exercises. (correcto)

me ajuda pfv

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por hossanaclaudiapinto6


She meets

they study

Felipe swim

je sleeps

sroselaine40: mas tá faltando
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