Inglês, perguntado por natalyvalin, 11 meses atrás

4) Circule as alternativas corretas.
Patty Good afternoon / evening / night.
Glenda Good afternoon / evening / night.
Patty I'm Patty. See you. / What's your name? / Nice to meet you.
Glenda This is Glenda. / Bye. / My name's Glenda
Patty Nice to meet you,/ See you, / Bye-bye, Glenda.
Glenda Good night. / Nice to meet you, too. I Good evening. Patty​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por matheusalvescx13


Patty: evening

Glenga: evening

Patty: What's your name?

Glenda: My name's Glenda

Patty: Nice to meet you

Glenda: Nice to meet you, too.

menegildasilva219: obrigando
isadorateixeiradossa: aí aí
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