Inglês, perguntado por mari900pp91r1q, 5 meses atrás

3.write sentences in the negative and affirmative: (Escreva as frases na forma negativa e interrogativa,siga o exemplo.)

a) the children/not play/on the beach/(swim)

b) you/ not listen to me/(talk)

c) my parents /not watch TV/(work)

d) Ann/not laugh/(cry)

e) my sister /not sleep/(study)

f) l/ not eat /(drink)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Present continuous  >>  negative and interrogative forms

a) the children/not play/on the beach/(swim)

   The children are not playing on the beach.

   Are the children  swimming on the beach?

b) you/ not listen to me/(talk)

   You are not listening to me.

   Are you talking to me?


c) my parents /not watch TV/(work)

  My parents are not watching TV.

   Are my parents working?

d) Ann/not laugh/(cry)

   Ann is not laughing.

   Is Ann crying?

e) my sister /not sleep/(study)

   My sister is not sleeping.

   Is my sister  studying?

f) l/ not eat /(drink)

  I am not eating.

   Am I  drinking?

→→  Present continuous  >>>  tempo verbal usado quando queremos falar de algo que está acontecendo no momento em que falamos.  Pode vir acompanhado de ''now'' - ''right now'' - ''at the moment''

→ Estrutura present continuous - interrogativa

verbo to be + sujeito + verbo -ing + complemento

Are you playing soccer?

Is she working now?

Are they playing soccer at the moment?

→ Estrutura present continuous - negativa

sujeito + verbo to be + not + verbo -ing + complemento

John is not running at the park.

They are not playing golf now.

David is not working at the moment.

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mari900pp91r1q: eu preciso delas na forma negativa e interrogativa
mari900pp91r1q: me ajudar pfv
sarinhadesouza3: me ajudar pfv
CremildaBR: ok, vou editar e ja respondo.
CremildaBR: ok,, ja editei ;)
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