Inglês, perguntado por fafahtinha17, 6 meses atrás

3) Sublinhe a alternativa correta:
a. They (wasiwere) late for school and their teacher (was were) angry
b. Marcela (was were) very happy. Her party (wasiwere) a success
c Daniela's dog is so naughty! It (wasiwere) in the kitchen yesterday.
d. After school, the children (was were) very tired.
e. (was were) fifteen and my brother (wasiwere) twelve when we moved here.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por dazevedoc


a. They were late for school and their teacher was angry .

b. Marcela was very happy. Her party was a success .

c Daniela's dog is so naughty! It was in the kitchen yesterday.

d. After school, the children were very tired.

e. Was fifteen and my brother was twelve when we moved here.​


Was é usada com I, he, she & it

Were é usada com you, we & they.

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