Inglês, perguntado por snsnm, 9 meses atrás

3) Passe as frases para a forma NEGATIVA: OBS1: todas as frases estão no passado.
OBS2: os verbos estão sublinhados e são irregulares. a) My brother won a prize.
My brother didn’t win a prize. [RESPONDIDA]
b) The police CAME quickly.
c) The robbers FLED with all the money.
d) The old man FELL down the stairs.
e) The doctor GAVE me some pills.
f) An hour later FELT better.
g) We THOUGHT that you were sick

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por kayofellipe40


b) The police didn’t come quickly.

c) The robbers didn’t flee with all the money.

d) The old man didn’t fall down the stairs.

e) The doctor didn’t give me some pills.

f) An hour later I didn’t fell better.

g) We didn’t think that you were sick.


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