Inglês, perguntado por carlosfc98, 8 meses atrás

3) Mude as sentenças para as formas negativa e interrogativa. (1,0)

a) My English teacher is Mariza.
b) I am with a great difficulty.
c) Carlos and Jennifer are my neighbors.
d) Samantha is the new representative.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Gabrielfofo1000


a) I - Is My English teacher Marisa?

N - My English teacher isn't Marisa.

b) I - Am i with a great difficulty?

N - I am not with a great difficulty.

c) I - Are Carlos and Jennifer my Neighbors??

N - Carlos and Jennifer aren't my Neighbors.

d) I - Is Samantha the new representative?

N - Samantha isn't the new reprensetative


perguntas: Troca a ordem do sujeito e do verbo e acrescente o ponto de interrogação no final.

negativo: Deixe tudo no lugar porém após o verbo acrescente o not, ou na versão abreviada: Isn't or aren't

*Espero ter ajudado* ^^

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