Inglês, perguntado por niqueliniz, 7 meses atrás

3-Complete the sentences with the verbs in parentheses in the simple present tense: (COMPLETE AS SENTENÇAS COM OS VERBOS NOS PARENTESES NO PRESENTE SIMPLES) . a) Maria __________ four languages. (to speak) b) The shops in London ____________ at 9 o´clock every day. (to open) c) The museum __________ at 5 o´clock in the evening. (to close) d) Tina __________ math at my school. (to teach) e) Peter´s car is always dirty. He never ____________ it. (to wash) f) Water _________ at 100° degrees Celsius. (to boil) g) Food is expensive. It _______________ a lot of money. (to cost) h) Shoes are expensive. They ______________ a lot of money. (to cost) i) He ___________ the piano (to play) j) They ___________ in a big house. (to live) k) I __________ to the movie theater today. Anna _________ with me. (to go) l) Maria and Manuela always _________ early. (to arrive) m) Martina and I ___________ hard. (to work) n) Andy never __________ soda, but he __________ candy every day. (to drink / to eat) o) The train always __________ on time. (to leave) p) My father __________ me when he ___________. (to kiss / to wake up)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por shoosh


a) speaks

b) open

c) closes

d) teaches

e) washes

f) boils

g) costs

h) cost

i) plays

j) live

k) went / went

l) arrive

m) work

n) drinks / eats

o) leaves

p) kisses / wakes up

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