Inglês, perguntado por namii1000, 4 meses atrás

3) Complete as sentenças, escrevendo as frases na forma negative:

a) Joe can play soccer but ___________________________________________play basketball.

b) Meg can roller-skate but ___________________________________________ ice skate.

c) Rob can swim but ___________________________________________surf.

d) Tina and Ron can ride a bicycle but ___________________________________________ swim.

e) Fred an Tereza can play tennis but ___________________________________________ play volleyball.

4) Marque a alternativa correta: a) ___________________ I smoke in this room? No, you ___________________ smoke her. It’s forbidden.
( ) Ought, may not
( ) Should, needn’t
( ) Can, mustn’t
( ) Need, may not
( ) Have, can’t

b) Miss Taylor___________________ swim well when she was younger.
( ) might to
( ) should to
( ) ought to
( ) have to
( ) could

c) Qual dessas expressões corresponde a “ele não deveria ter feito isso”?
( ) He mustn’t have made it.
( ) He shouldn’t have done that.
( ) He could not have made it.
( ) He might not have done that.
( ) He cannot have done that.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Modal verbs  

3) Negative form

a) Joe can play soccer but he can't play basketball.

b) Meg can roller-skate but she can't ice skate.

c) Rob can swim but he can't surf.

d) Tina and Ron can ride a bicycle but they can't swim.

e) Fred and Tereza can play tennis but they can't play volleyball.

4) Marque a alternativa correta:

a) Can I smoke in this room?

   No, you mustn't smoke her. It’s forbidden.

( ) Ought, may not

( ) Should, needn’t

(X) Can, mustn’t  ✅

( ) Need, may not

( ) Have, can’t

b) Miss Taylor could swim well when she was younger.

( ) might to

( ) should to

( ) ought to

( ) have to

(X) could   ✅  

c) Qual dessas expressões corresponde a “ele não deveria ter feito isso”?

( ) He mustn’t have made it.

(X) He shouldn’t have done that.  ✅    

( ) He could not have made it.

( ) He might not have done that.

( ) He cannot have done that.​

⇒⇒ Modal verbs >> são verbos ''diferentes'' que possuem características próprias. São usados para auxiliar o verbo principal da frase. Não são conjugados, não recebem ''s'' na terceira pessoa do singular, não têm plural. São sempre escritos da mesma forma, independente do contexto. Não têm tradução se estiverem sozinhos, sem um verbo em seguida.  

→→   CAN e COULD

  • can – habilidade – I can play chess. [Eu sei jogar xadrez.]  
  • can – permissão – Can I say something, please? [Posso dizer algo, por favor?]  
  • can – possibilidade – John can go to visit his parents. [John pode ir visitar seus pais.]  
  • could – habilidade no passado – I could play the piano when I was younger. [Quando eu era jovem, eu sabia tocar piano.]  


  • must -para expressar obrigação – Must I talk now? [Devo falar agora?]  
  • mustn't  – proibição – She mustn't smoke here.  [Ela não pode fumar aqui]  

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