Inglês, perguntado por eliisadutra, 1 ano atrás

3-As frases a seguir estão no Present Perfect Tense. Passe-as para o
Past Perfect Tense:
a) She has studied English since

b) I have listened to that music several
c) The teacher has told many interesting
d) He has driven cars since
4- Escreva as mesmas frases anteriores na forma negativa do Past Perfect

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Odesza


3- As frases a seguir estão no Present Perfect Tense. Passe-as para o  Past Perfect Tense:

a) She has studied English since  1970.

She had studied English since  1970.

b) I have listened to that music several  times.

I had listened to that music several  times.

c) The teacher has told many interesting  stories.

The teacher had told many interesting  stories.

d) He has driven cars since  1960.

He had driven cars since  1960.

4- Escreva as mesmas frases anteriores na forma negativa do Past Perfect


She hadn't studied English since  1970.

I hadn't listened to that music several  times.

The teacher hadn't told many interesting  stories.

He hadn't driven cars since  1960.


Past Perfect é um tempo verbal usado para expressar ações passadas que aconteceram antes de outra ação que também ocorrera no passado.

O verbo auxiliar utilizado nesse tempo verbal é had (verbo have no simple past).

Forma afirmativa (affirmative form):


Sujeito + verbo to have no Simple Past (had) + verbo principal no Past Participle + complemento

Forma Negativa (negative form):

Nas frases negativas é necessário acrescentar o not após o verbo auxiliar (had).

Obs.: Hadn't é junção de had + not.


Sujeito + verbo to have no Simple Past (had) + not + verbo principal no Past Participle + complemento

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