3. Add the prefixes OVER or UNDER to the words in parentheses in order to have a meaningful sentence.
a) If you stand up you’ll _________________________ (balance) the canoe.
b) The steak was _______________________ (cook) and quite uneatable.
c) My brain was working ________________ (time) trying to get a solution for that problem.
d) We need “action” to reduce the serious _________________ (crowd) in prisions.
4. Choose one word from the box, add the suffix LY and fill in the sentences appropriately:
day – sensible – honest – calm – reasonable – comfortable – incredible - surprise
a) I just got it because it was a _____________________ priced book.
b) _____________________, no one had ever thought of such a simple idea before.
c) The teacher decided, quite _____________________, to postpone the final examination for a few weeks.
d) She reacted _____________________ to the news.
e) All the rooms were _____________________ furnished.
f) The newspaper headlines affect the _____________________ lives of millions of people.
g) It is _____________________ doubtful that anyone survived the explosion.
h) Quite _____________________, he isn’t the sort of person we’re looking for.
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Prefixes and suffixes
3. Add the prefixes OVER or UNDER to the words in parentheses in order to have a meaningful sentence.
a) If you stand up you’ll overbalance (balance) the canoe.
b) The steak was undercooked (cook) and quite uneatable.
c) My brain was working overtime (time) trying to get a solution for that problem.
d) We need “action” to reduce the serious overcrowd (crowd) in prisions.
4. Choose one word from the box, add the suffix LY and fill in the sentences appropriately:
a) I just got it because it was a reasonably priced book.
b) Incredibly, no one had ever thought of such a simple idea before.
c) The teacher decided, quite surprisely , to postpone the final examination for a few weeks.
d) She reacted calmly to the news.
e) All the rooms were comfortably furnished.
f) The newspaper headlines affect the daily lives of millions of people.
g) It is sensibly doubtful that anyone survived the explosion.
h) Quite honestly , he isn’t the sort of person we’re looking for.
⇒⇒ Prefixes / prefixos >> São letras ou números que adicionamos no início de uma palavra ou número, para formar uma nova palavra ou número, com um novo significado. Os prefixos podem, por exemplo, criar uma nova palavra com sentido oposto à palavra de origem. Podem, também, criar uma nova palavra com sentido negativo ou que expressam relação de tempo, lugar ou maneira.
possible - impossible >>> opposite (oposto) >>> possível/impossível
able - unable >>> negative (negativa) >> capaz / incapaz
cook - overcook >>> manner (maneira) >> cozinhar/passar do ponto
consider - reconsider >>> again (novamente) >> considerar/reconsiderar
⇒⇒ Suffixes / sufixos >>> São palavras que adicionamos no final de uma palavra para formar um adjetivo a partir de um verbo, substantivo abstrato a partir de um adjetivo, um novo advérbio, etc.
accept - acceptable - aceitável
adore - adorable - adorável
pain - painful - doloroso
use - useful - útil
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