Inglês, perguntado por mariaevaldt, 9 meses atrás

20 frases verbo to be no passado

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Fefe0510


1) She was at the restaurant 5 minutes ago.

2) Where were you last night?

3) Chloe and Emily were doing their homework yesterday.

4) It was my birthday last week.

5) He was not my piano teacher last year.

6) They traveled to Miami this morning.

7) It was raining a lot when I got home.

8) I think Thomas was upset with you last Friday.

9) Were they at school this morning?

10) I was at her party last night.

11) The dinosaurs were alive billions of years ago.

12) We were really hungry on Saturday.

13) She was sick yesterday.

14) Kevin was busy when I called him.

15) It was freezing last night.

16) We were really good students.

17) That baby was cute.

18) Her dress was red.

19) I was a dentist.

20) It was really hot outside.

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