Inglês, perguntado por nicollymayara05, 1 mês atrás

20 frases com verbo regulares em inglês

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por EstudanteAnônimoBR

I watched TV yesterday;

I listened to music with my friends;

I opened the door;

I believed in her;

He helped me with my homework;

She liked the travel;

They studied last week;

She washed the dishes;

I tried so hard;

We finished our lesson;

The teacher translated the movie for us;

We talked yesterday;

It worked out;

We moved to Canada last year;

She died from cancer;

My mother explained to me how to write;

We searched everywhere, but we didn't find it.

I noticed that my mother wasn't at home;

He asked me for help;

My father cleaned the house yesterday.

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