Inglês, perguntado por RaquelARitter, 11 meses atrás

2. READ the text about John. (leia o texto sobre John)
3. HIGHLIGHT the all Simple Present expressions
(Destaque expressões no presente - são 17 frases)
4.TRANSLATE them and rewrite the text in the Past Tense: (Traduza-o e faça as adaptações necessárias nesse texto para passar de forma coerente para o passado).


Every day John gets half past seven and he has breakfast. He has milk, cookies and and apple for breakfast. Then, he brushes his teeth and gets dressed. Later he goes to school by car. He has lunch at school at quarter past twelve He finishes to school at quarter to two.
On Monday and Thursday he has English classes. In the afternoon, he does his homework at home and he watches TV. In the evening he takes a bath and reads a book. He also plays with his Brothers. Then, he has dinner with his Family at ten o’clock. Later, John watches movie with his sister Anne. Finally, he goes to the bed at eleven o’clock.
Porfavoree ❤️

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Isacapopeira123


Expressões no presente que eu encontrei :

Gets - pega / Has - ter (mas no caso é tomar café da manhã) / Brushes - escova / Gets - nesse caso ele se veste / Goes - vai / Has - nesse caso ele almoça na escola / Finishes - termina / Has - nesse caso ele tem aula de inglês / Does - faz / Watches - assiste / Takes - toma / Reads - lê / Plays - joga / Has - nesse caso ele janta / Watches - já expliquei que significa assiste / Goes - no caso ele vai para a cama.

RaquelARitter: Obrigadaa
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