Inglês, perguntado por meganfoxx1234, 9 meses atrás

2 - Read the information from the following cards – Card A and Card B. Then do the activities to find out
about two athletes who overcame their physical impairments.
CARD A: High school student. Hillsboro High School. Hillsboro, OH. Quadruple amputee from a blood
infection at 5 years old. Wrestling.
CARD B: Black Belt. Born without arms. Professional motivational speaker. Taekwondo. Tucson, AZ.
a) Ask questions and complete the missing information about the first part of profiles 1 and 2. Use
the information on cards A and B and the prompts below to help you.
1. Where/from? 2. What type of disability/have? 3. How old...? 4. What/do? 5. Where/go to school?

6. What/main style? 7. What/current rank?

PROFILE 1: Make questions
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________________________________________________

PROFILE 2: Make questions
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________________________________________________
b) Write down the verb form that best completes the texts. Choose the appropriate form from the
options provided in the columns on the right.

Carter is a 103-poun-
der whose legs I at his

hips, whose right arm II
just after his elbow, and
whose left arm III even
shorter. He had the rest
taken from him at age 5

because of a blood infec-
tion that required exten-
sive amputations. His life

IV easy, but he V by just
fine – particularly on the
wrestling mat. [...]


Jessica is recognized internationally as an inspirational keynote speaker. Born without arms, Jessica
now VI airplanes, VII cars, and otherwise VIII a normal life using her feet as others use their hands. She IX
the title of the first person without arms in the American Taekwondo Association to get a black belt and
the first woman pilot in aviation history to fly with her feet. Convinced that the way we think X a greater

am not/is not/ are not


Type of disability:
Main Style of Martial Art:
School Affiliation:

Dustin Carter (right) in his match against Jason
Ballantyne in the 103-pound bout during a
championship in Virginia, USA, in 2010.

Type of disability:
Main Style of Martial Art:
School Affiliation:

impact on our lives than our physical constraints, she chose to pursue a degree in psychology while in

college at the University of Arizona. Image: Jessica Cox (1983), American from the state of Arizona, per-
forming a movement in taekwondo, in 2012.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gustavobottega50


Profile 1: Carter is a 103-pounder whose legs at his hips, his right arm just after his elbow, and his left arm even shorter. He had the rest taken from him at age 5 because of a blood infection that required extensive amputations. His life is not easy, but he is just fine, particularly on the wrestling mat.

Profile 2: Jessica is recognized internationally as an inspirational keynote speaker. Born without arms, Jessica now lives airplanes, cars, and otherwise  a normal life using her feet as others use their hands. She holds the title of the first person without arms in the American Taekwondo Association to get a black belt and the first woman pilot in aviation history to fly with her feet. Convinced that the way we think has a greater impact on our lives than our physical constraints, she chose to pursue a degree in psychology while in college at the University of Arizona.


coloquei assim

kaendyunai150: Errado
emillysilvasantos795: affs
Respondido por anaclaudialara

2 - Fazendo as perguntas sobre os atletas dos Card A e Card B, temos:



  1. Where is he from?
  2. What type of disability he has?
  3. How old is he?
  4. What does he do?
  5. Where he goes to school?
  6. What is his main style?
  7. What is his current rank?


  1. Where is she from?
  2. What type of disability she has?
  3. How old is she?
  4. What does she do?
  5. Where she goes to school?
  6. What is her main style?
  7. What is her current rank?

b) Escrevendo a melhor verb form da coluna, temos:

Profile 1:

  • I = end;
  • II = stops;
  • III = gets;
  • IV = is not;
  • V = is.

Profile 2:

  • VI = flies;
  • VII = drives;
  • VIII = lives;
  • IX = holds;
  • X = have.

Completando, temos:

Dustin Carter:

  • Hometown: Hillsboro, OH;
  • type of disability: quadruple amputee;
  • age: no information;
  • occupation: High School Student;
  • main style of Martial Art: Wrestling;
  • School affiliation: Hillsboro High School.

Jessica Cox:

  • Hometown: Tucson, AZ;
  • type of disability: born without arms;
  • age: 39;
  • occupation: Professional Motivational speaker;
  • main style of Martial Art: Taekwondo;
  • School affiliation: University of Arizona.

Entendendo o exercício

O exercício pede que:

  • 1º: você faça perguntas utilizando as formas interrogativas propostas. O que você precisará acrescentar, além dessas formas, é o verbo to be (is), a pessoa (He ou She) e o pronome possessivo (his ou her). O profile 1 é de um homem, portanto, você precisará usar as formas "he" e "his", com o verbo "is". O Profile 2 é de uma mulher, assim, use "she" e "her" com o "is".
  • 2º: escolha o melhor verbo para encaixar na descrição feita para os perfis.
  • 3º: colete as informações presentes nessas descrições para preencher o quadro. Para identificar melhor, segue a tradução do que se pede:
  1. Hometown = Cidade natal;
  2. Type of disability = Tipo de deficiência;
  3. Age = Idade;
  4. Occupation = Ocupação;
  5. Main Style of Martial Art = Estilo principal de arte marcial;
  6. School Affiliation = Filiação Escolar.

Para saber melhor sobre o uso do verbo to be, acesse:

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