Inglês, perguntado por jaissabr, 2 meses atrás

2. Qual das alternativas apresenta apenas verbos regulares? a) go – love – hate – work
b) walk – cry – change – stay
c) think – be – love – lose
d) change – speak – swim – hate e) stay – be – love – hate
3. Assinale a alternativa correta:
A forma correta no Simple Present dos verbos: have, sing, watch, write, study na 3a pessoa do singular: He, She, It. São:
a) haves, singes, watches, writes, studyes.
b) has, sings, watchs, writs, studies.
c) has, sings, watches, writes, studies.
d) have, sings, watches, write, study.
e) have, sing, watch, writies, studies.
4. Qual alternativa está incorreta de acordo com o “Simple Present”? a) She eat cereal for breakfeast every morning.
b) My brothers do their homework at home.
c) He always studies before the test.
d) She sometimes makes the bed.

e) Sarah usually dances at home.
5. Complet the sentences using PLAY, DO or GO.
a) Edward b) I
c) My friends d) My family e) We
flute at school.
swimming on Mondays and Wednesday.
karate at the club.
_ eating pizza next Saturday night. our homework at night.
A sequência correta dos verbos nas sentenças acima é: a) plays – goes – does – goes – does
b) play – go – do – goes – do
c) plays – go – does – go – does
d) play – goes – does – go – do e) plays – go – do – goes – do
6. Informe se os substantivos abaixo são (C) Countable or (U) Uncountable.
a) Money ( b) dog (
c) courage ( d) beauty ( e) girl (
) )
7. Preencha os espaços em branco com IN, ON ou AT. a) Paul left for Italy 1938.
b) We will meet Peter and Mary again
c) Where were you Easter Day?
d) They will be back March 17tн.
8. Escolha a alternativa de acordo com o uso correto dos adjetivos possessivos.
Paula met a) our
b) their
c) it’s
d) his e) her
9. The dog is eating a) her
b) his
c) our
d) it’s e) their

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por jhonatthasfreefire


3- C

4- A

5- E

6- a) c b) c c) u d) u e) c


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