Inglês, perguntado por JonDpolo, 5 meses atrás

2. Marque a opção correta que melhor completa as frases com o verbo to be no passado. was / wasn't - were / weren't *
5 pontos

a) The movie we saw last night _________ very funny.

b)Were they late for the show? No, they ____________.

c)Was she a high school student last year? No, she ___________.

d)They ___________really happy after they won the football game.

e)I _________born in 2004.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Shrimp7

a) The movie we saw last night was very funny.

b)Were they late for the show? No, they weren't.

c)Was she a high school student last year? No, she wasn't.

d)They were really happy after they won the football game.

e) I was born in 2004.

Espero ter ajudado!

JonDpolo: vlw
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