2 - Leia o trecho de texto, atentando para os quantificadores empregados
Why do some people have side effects with COVID-19 vaccines while others do not?
After getting the COVID-19 vaccine, some people develop a low-grade fever, fatigue, headache, and/or muscle
aches, while others have no symptoms at all.
According to Leslie Parent, [...] the differences could be due to a combination of a person’s age, genetics and past
exposure to other viruses, including common-cold coronaviruses.
“We know that many people have only mild symptoms from the vaccine or no symptoms at all, but we also know
that the vaccines are very effective in preventing infection”, said Parent.
A palavra empregada no texto para indicar que o autor não sabia a quantidade exata de pessoas que apresentaram
efeitos colaterais após receberem vacinas contra a COVID-19 é:
a. ( ) “all”.
b. ( ) only”.
c) ( ) “very”
d) ( ) “some”
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Letter A) All
Hope this helps!
Hope this helps!
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