Inglês, perguntado por migueldepaula337, 4 meses atrás

2. Leia o texto abaixo. Procure entender as ideias gerais. Utilize
dicionário para buscar significados das palavras quando você “travar”
a leitura e nesse caso, apenas as palavras maiores (verbos e
substantivos). Em seguida, resolva os exercícios com base no texto.
Malala Yousafzai
Malala Yousafzai was born on 12 July,
1997 in Pakistan. She grew up with her
two younger brothers in the city of
Malala had a happy childhood. Her
father, Ziauddin, was a teacher and
ran a school for girls where Malala
could study. Many girls in Pakistan did
not go to school.
Malala was a bright girl and dreamt of one day becoming a
teacher, a politician, or a doctor.
At the young age of 11, Malala began advocating for girls' education.
She spoke out against the Taliban stating, ''how dare the Taliban take
away my right to education?''. Her speech was covered by
newspapers and TV channels.
The Taliban were strict Muslims who said that women should not
be allowed to vote or have jobs. They demanded that all girls'
schools be closed. About this time, Malala's father was
approached by the BBC. They wanted a female student to write
about her life under Taliban rule, so Malala began writing a blog
called 'Diary of a Pakistani Schoolgirl'. The Taliban were not
satisfied about this and Malala received many death threats.
On 9 October, 2012, Malala was taking the school bus home. A man
who boarded the bus shot Malala, the bullet struck Malala in the
head, but luckily, she survived. After many surgeries, Malala went
back to school six months later after the attack.
Malala gave a speech to the United Nations on her sixteenth
birthday. She spoke about wanting all girls to go to school and get
an education, stating ''invest in books, not bullets.'' She also spoke
about opportunity and peace for all.
Malala’s memoir 'I am Malala: The Story of the Girl Who Stood Up
for Education and was Shot by the Taliban', was published in October,
On 10 October, 2014, Malala became the youngest person to receive
the Nobel Peace Prize.
2.1 Que tipo de texto é o texto sobre Malala?
( ) a diary ( ) a poem ( ) a biography ( ) an autobiography
2.2 Explique o uso do Relative Pronoun WHO em negrito nas situações em
que ele ocorre no texto.
2.3 Na frase “She grew up with her two younger brothers in the
city ofMingora”, na palavra sublinhada, observamos o uso do:
( ) adjective ( ) comparative ( ) superlative
2.4 Na frase “Malala became the youngest person to receive the
Nobel Peace Prize”, na palavra sublinhada, observamos o uso do:
( ) adjective ( ) comparative ( ) superlative

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por vk29v9rqmy
a biography
(não tem nada em negrito)
(não aparece a palavra sublinhada )
(não aparece a palavra sublinhada )

(se você puder me passar as informações que faltam eu respondo sem nenhum problema)
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