Inglês, perguntado por castrorenatinhotr6b6, 8 meses atrás

2) Escreva o POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE correto, de acordo com o modelo.
Modelo: This car belongs to Peter. It's his car.

a) The house belongs to John and Mary. It’s _______ house.
b) The book belongs to me. It's _______ book.
c) The glass belongs to Jane. It's _______ glass.
d) The table belongs to Sylvia and me. It's ________ table.
e) The ball belongs to my cat. It's ________ ball.
f) The car belongs to you. It's _______ car.
g) The notebook belongs to John. It's ________ notebook.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por nandanobrea

a) their.

b) my.

c) her.

d) our.

e) its.

f) your.

g) his.

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