Inglês, perguntado por cleo4658, 6 meses atrás

2) Complete usando a tag question correta. Rasuras serão anuladas
1) We are collecting old CDs,_________?
2) I often watch TV in the evening,____________?
3) You have done the washing,___________?
4)The mall is closed today,___________?
5)Jessica couldn't hand in her assingment on time,_______?
6)I am tall enough to play basketball,_________?
7)Your father has a convertible car,_________?
8)They didn't recognize me,_________?
9)Nothing was wrong,________?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por kelly019
1. Aren’t we?

2. Don’t I?

3. Haven’t you?

4. Isn’t it?

5. Could she?

6. Am not?

7. Doesn’t he?

8. Did they?

9. Was it?

Uma dica: quando a frase está na afirmativa, a tag question é na negativa, e quando a frase está na negativa, a tag question é positiva, ok?

Espero ter ajudado❣️
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