Inglês, perguntado por carolinesantosalmeid, 6 meses atrás

2) Complete com verbo to be no passado
a) Jane
helping her mother when I arrived there.
b) You
the most important person at that time
like I expected it to be.
c)I think it
d) Jane believes they
sleeping when it happened.
calling to her friend at 9:00 pm.
e) Keila
f) Jenny
eating pancakes.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rafacosquinha


a) Jane was helping her mother when I arrived there.

b) You were the most important person at that time like I expected it to be.

c) I think it was.

d) Jane believes they were sleeping when it happened.

e) Keila was calling to her friend at 9:00pm.

f) Jenny was eating pancakes.

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