Inglês, perguntado por nety85, 4 meses atrás

2) Complete com o verb to be (am/is/are).
here now
a dancer.
my parents
my friend.
f)It a car.
my aunt.
3)A forma interrogativa de:
"They are very happy" é
( )they are very happy?
( ) are they very happy?
( )happy they very are?
( )are happy they very?
4) Circule o verb to be das sentenças abaixo.
a)They are my parents,
b)I am a students.
c)He is a doctor.
d) You are my friend .
5) A forma negative de" he is my friend"
( )is he my friend
( )he is not my friend.
( )is not he my friend.
( ) not he is my friend
Oi eu preciso de resposta​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por kallayzzy


a) We are here now

b)  She/He is a dancer.

c) She is my aunt

d)They are my parents.

e)You  are my friend.

f) It is a car.

3º (x ) are they very happy?

4º a)They are my parents,

   b)I am a students.

   c)He is a doctor.

   d) You are my friend .

(x )he is not my friend.


nety85: obgd meu bem
lucianacjs17: oi
lucianacjs17: ok
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