Inglês, perguntado por brunadrumal, 6 meses atrás

2 – Complete as frases na forma comparativa de superioridade usando o adjetivo entre parênteses:
Ex.: Japanese is more difficult than English. (difficult)
a) This method ______________________________ that one. (practical)
b) Peaches __________________________________ bananas. (expensive)
c) Gentility without ability _________________________________plain beggary. (bad)
d) Soccer _________________________________ golf. (interesting)
e) Rio ______________________________ Niterói. (beautiful)
f) A holiday by the sea _______________________________ a holiday in the mountains. (good)
g) This flower ____________________________________ that one. (beautiful)
h) The weather this summer is even ________________________________ last summer. (bad)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Agnes12345678


a) This method Pratical that one.

b) Peaches expensive bananas.

c) Gentility without ability bad plain beggary.

d) Soccer interesting golf.

e) Rio beautiful Niterói.

f) A holiday by the sea good a holiday in the mountains.

g) This flower beautiful that one.

h) The weather this summer is even bad last summer.

Espero ter ajudado >:3

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