Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 4 meses atrás

2) Complete as frases com Simple Past.

I worked a lot yesterday. (work)

a) She _________________________ in you. (believe)

b) We _________________________ at Mike’s. (stop)

c) It _________________________ a lot last month. (rain)

d) You _________________________ me about the bills. (ask)

e) He _________________________ in Japan in the last two years. (live)

f) They _________________________ on the Internet at school. (surf)

g) Mary _________________________ at home last weekend. (stay)

h) Adam _________________________ the whole vacation. (plan)

i) Sophie and Peter _________________________ immediately. (reply)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por vg288


a) She belived in you

b) we stoped at mike's

c) It rained a lot last month

d)You asked me about the bills

e)He lived in Japan in the last two years

f)They surfed on the internet at school

g)Mary stayed at home last weekend

h) Adam planed the whole vacation

i) Sophie and Peter replied immediately

vg288: sim
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