Inglês, perguntado por JULIAAVIIEIRA, 4 meses atrás

2- Complete as frases abaixo com o verbo em parênteses na forma correta.
Todas as frases estão no presente simples.
1- I __________ (BE) a teacher and you ____________ (BE) a student at IFRJ.
2- This ___________ (BE) an English book and that _____________ (be) a dictionary.
3- John and Peter ________ (BE) colleagues and they ___________ (WORK) together.
4- We ____________ (BE) friends and we ______________ (LIVE) in Rio de Janeiro.
5- I ___________ (BE) Brazilian and I _______________ (LIVE) in Niterói.
6- I _______________ (STUDY) in a federal institute in São Gonçalo.
7- Carlos __________ (HAVE) a big family. He ____________ (LIVE) in São Gonçalo.
8- Mary ____________ (LIVE) in São Gonçalo, but she ____________ (WORK) in Rio.
9- Susy ____________ (BE) a teacher and she _____________ (LIVE) in Niterói.
10- Celso ___________ (BE) a technician and he ______________ (WORK) in Niterói.
11- Lucy ____________ (BE) a student and she ________________ (STUDY) at IFRJ.
12- Alex ______________ (HAVE) one brother and two sisters.
13- I ______________ (SPEAK) Portuguese and a little English.
14- I _____________ (LIKE) study English, but I don’t ____________ (LIKE) to study
15- Juan ______________ (SPEAK) Spanish very well.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por milenas


1. am / are

2. is / is

3. are / work

4. are / live

5. am / live

6. study

7. has / lives

8. lives / works

9. is / lives

10. is / works

11. is / studies

12. has

13. speak

14. like / like

15. speaks

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