Inglês, perguntado por aninhadduttra, 10 meses atrás

2. Coloque as frases abaixo na forma There negativa e interrogativa
e) There was no need to go.
Negative form
Interrogative form
b) There were forty people at the part
Negative form
Interrogative form
c) There was a car outside my house this afternoon
Negative form:
Interrogative form:​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por JurandirGregy


There wasn't need to go

was there a need to go?

There weren't forty people at the part

Were there forty people at the part

There wasn't a car outside my house this afternoon

was there a car outside my house this afternoon

Explicação: Na interrogativa voce inverte o objeto e o verbo to be (there was = was there). na negativa adc o "not"

Respondido por Harumi023


a)There wasn´t(ou was not tanto faz) need to go

Was there no need to go?

b)There weren´t(ou were not tanto faz) forty people at the party

Were there forty people at the party?

c)There was not(ou wasn´t) a car outside my house this afternoon

Was there a car outside my house this afternoon?


As formas there is e there are são usadas em inglês para indicar a existência de algo.

A diferença entre there was e there were é que there was é a forma utilizada no singular e there were, a forma utilizada no plural.


There was a tall girl in the classroom yesterday. (Havia uma garota alta na sala ontem)

There were two boys in the murderer´s car. (Havia dois meninos no carro do assassino )

There was e there were: forma negativa

Nas frases negativas, basta acrescentar o not depois do verbo.


There was not a book on the table. (Não havia um livro em cima da mesa.)

There were not two dogs in that house. (Não havia dois cachorros naquela casa.)

Outra forma de dizer as mesmas frases é através do uso da forma contraída, onde was not = wasn’t e were not = weren’t.

There was e there were: interrogativa

Nas frases interrogativas, basta inverter a ordem do verbo, ou seja: there was> was there e there are > were there.


Was there a book on the table? (Havia um livro em cima da mesa?)

Were there two dogs in that house? (Havia dois cachorros naquela casa?)

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