Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 4 meses atrás

2. Change into interrogative.
a. You saw the principal at school today.
b. She read the articles before her tests.
c. Mark traveled abroad last December.
d. My mother wanted to buy some bookmarks for the teacher.
e. I saw the ad on your Facebook page.
f. They went home late after a long day at the park.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Shrimp7

a. Did you see the principal at school today ?

b. Did she read the articles before her tests ?

c. Did Mark travel abroad last December ?

d. Did my mother want to buy some bookmarks for the teacher ?

e. Did I see the ad on your Facebook page ?

f.  Did they go home late after a long day at the park ?

»» Com o uso do auxiliar did conseguimos colocar as frases que estão na afirmativa para a interrogativa, e o verbo que que estava no conjugado no passado volta para sua forma original:

>> Interrogative Form <<

  • Did I study ?
  • Did You study ?
  • Did He study ?
  • Did She study ?
  • Did It Study ?
  • Did we study ?
  • Did They study ?

°Espero ter ajudado;

°Bons estudos!

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