Inglês, perguntado por romagnolielisabetta1, 4 meses atrás

2- Answer the questions.
a) Where is sitio Burle Marx?
b) What is a sitio now?
c) How many guided tours are there per day?
d) How many species of plants are there?
3- Estruture as palavras abaixo formando frases usando o verbo To Be e o Presente Continuous.
Exemplo: He / TV / watch He is watching TV.
b) video game / They / play
c) read /l/ a magazine
d) music / listen to / You
e) We/use / the internet
f) She / talk / on the phone
thoces She =

me ajudem pfvr !!!!! imploro ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Joaovitor666bb

3)b) They are playing video game

c) I'm reading a magazine

d) you're listening to music

e) we're using the internet

f) she is talking on the phone

I hope it helps

romagnolielisabetta1: sítio Burle Marx
romagnolielisabetta1: mas respondendo só a 3 vai me ajudar muito !!
Joaovitor666bb: So I will
romagnolielisabetta1: obrigado
Joaovitor666bb: Can you See my answer now
romagnolielisabetta1: sim,obrigado !!
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