Inglês, perguntado por keytielesousacosta, 10 meses atrás

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Google Translate e cique no alto-falante para uscutár: Entzo.Teplta para memorizar:
Leia o quadro explicativo sobre o Past Continuous
Vheshe/it was sitting you/we/they were sitting
Vheshe/it wasn't sitting you we/they weren't sitting
Was langit sitting! Were you/we/they sitting?
We often join the past continuous tense with the past
simple with the words when or while to talk about one
action happening at the same time as another.
Maria was sitting on an aeroplane in Denver airport
when she saw a fire from the windows
While the other pusingers were running to the exits .
she climbed out of the window
Lucarel na tinata caratte-UDU-L-US-Docdated
Arsene 17 17​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CarlinhosDS


Explicação: essa pergunta é mais para praticar , não tem que responder nem nada do tipo , eu acho ;)

SOUYTpr3d4dorTv: vlw
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