Inglês, perguntado por larialonso28oyam12, 7 meses atrás

14. Choose the comparative of superiority that is Wrong.
(A) Peter is shorter than her.
(B) English is much more easier than Portuguese.
(C) I'm much more creative than my best friend.
(D) Renato is more patient than his grandfather.
(E) That woman is fatter than her husband

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ggpedroson

Letra B


Não segue o padrão.

Respondido por ziNickzi

A incorreta é:

C) I'm much more creative than my best friend.

Creio que o correto seria: I'm as more creative as my best friend.

~ Espero que esteja certo!

- Bons estudos!!

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