Inglês, perguntado por Pedrohenrique9871, 10 meses atrás

11- Read part of an e-mail Max wrote to a friend. Then complete the gaps using the Past simple

Two months ago I_____(join) a skatebording club. Perhaps you want to join too. I____(hear) about it through a friend and______(decide) to try something differrent. Mom____(say) it was okay for me to join. We______(make) an agreement: I_______(buy) all the equipment and now she pays for the lessons. My lessons are twice a week and my friends and I often pratice(have) knee pads and elbow pads so I_____(be) always okay. Now I'm really good! And the best thing is I____(meet) this really nice girl there.

12- Fill the gaps with na appropriate ''wh'' word: what ,where, when, how, which, why, who

a-______are you going to travel? Next week.
b-______do you live? In Sao Paulo.
c-______are you sad ? Because I didn't do a good test.
d-______is your mom? It's overe there.
e-______was the party? Really good.

13- Read the news report about Ellen MacArthur. Complete with the past forms of the verbs in parentheses

Now to another of our great athletes, Ellen MacArthur, the British yachtswoman who______(become) famous after breaking the word record for the fastest solo navigation around the world. Yesterday Ellen ______(have) a near-fatal accident in the indian ocean where she is competing. During a storm, Ellen_____(climb) the mast to repair a sail and she nearly______(die). Fortunalety she recovered and is now chasing the leader of the competition, Michel Desjoyeaux. Ellen MacArthur_____(start) her career in sailing at the age of 18 when she_____(go) siling alone round Britain and______(win) the Young Sailor of the Year award. In February 2005 Ellen______(break) a world record and_______(become) the fastest solo around the planet. It______(take) Ellen 71 days and 14 hours to sail around the world.

14 - Now answer the questions according to the news report in # 12.
a- Where was she had the accident ?

b- Why was she considered the Young Sailor of the year ?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por eduardobarbozas2

11)Joined, Heared, decided, saied, made, buied, had, was, met.

12)When, Where,Why, Which, How.

13) Became, had, climbed, died, started, went, won, broke, became, took.

14) In São Paulo.

Pedrohenrique9871: Na 11 ficou faltando 1
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