Inglês, perguntado por romuloaldo77, 6 meses atrás

11 Complete corretamente o verb to be nos espaços em branco:AM 7 15 7 ARE
a) Mary
my best friend
b) Jonh and Cindy
c) Peter
my brother
d) You ---- a good student
e) They -- ---- in the classroom
f) It
na Orange
g) Felicia and Mary
-- sisters
h) I-
her teacher
i) It --------- a book bag
j) You -
You ----------- a doctor
k) --- a teacher
1) My dad - a driver
m) They ------------ my friends
h) Yhe dog ----------in the kennel​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por sarahcorrea0415


a) is

b) are

c) is

d) are

e) are

f) is

g) are

h) am

i) is

j) are

k) is

m) are

n) is


  • Usamos am somente para I.
  • Usamos are para you, we, you, they.
  • Usamos is para he, she, it.

Espero ter ajudado!

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