10.The sentence "Brazil´s cattle herds eat only grass and soymeal" in passive voice is
a)Brazil´s cattle herds ate only grass and soymeal
b)Brazil´s cattle herds have only eaten grass and soymeal
c)only grass and soymeal is eaten by Brazil´s cattle herds
d)onle grass and soymeal are eaten by Brazil´s cattle herds
e)only grass and soymeal are being eaten by Brazil´s cattle herds
Soluções para a tarefa
d) only grass and soymeal are eaten by Brazil's cattle herds
⇒⇒ Active and Passive voices
Brazil´s cattle herds eat only grass and soymeal.
Voz ativa
sujeito >> Brazil's cattle herds
objeto >> only grass and soymeal
Voz passiva
Only grass and soymeal are eaten by Brazil's cattle herds.
objeto >> Brazil's cattle herds
sujeito >> only grass and soymeal
Alternativa correta Letra D)
→ Voz ativa - sujeito pratica a ação do verbo
Parents love their children. >> Os pais amam seus filhos.
parents >> sujeito
their children >> objeto
→ Voz passiva - objeto será o sujeito da passiva
Children are loved by their parents. >> Os filhos são amados pelos pais.
sujeito da passiva - children
objeto da passiva - their parents
→ Estrutura voz passiva - Present
sujeito da passiva + to be + particípio + by + objeto da passiva
Children are loved by their parents.
Aprenda mais em:
→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/25204537
→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/25204537