10 frases em inglês na 1 condicional
Soluções para a tarefa
1. If you press this button, you turn onthe light. [Se você apertar este botão, você liga a luz.]
2. If Mary wants a better job, she has tostudy more. [Se a Mary quer um emprego melhor, ela tem que estudar mais.]
3. If you run, you get tired. [Se você corre, você fica cansado.]
4. If you study, you will pass. [Se você estudar, você vai passar.]
5. If Mary eats too much, she will gain weight. [Se a Mary comer demais, ela vai engordar.]
6. If you studied, you would pass. [Se você estudasse, você passaria.]
7. If I had children, I would treat them well. [Se eu tivesse filhos, eu os trataria bem.]
8. If I were you, I would go. [Se eu fosse você, eu iria.]
9. If he had a car, he would crash it. [Se ele tivesse um carro, ele o bateria.]
10. If it were easy, it wouldn't be fun.[Se fosse fácil, não teria graça.]
If I have money, I will travel
If you are hungry, we will have dinner
If she is free, they will go to the movies
If you read this book, you will improve your knowledge
If she is pretty, you will compliment her
if you study today, you will take a great grade
If I want to listen to music, I will use the radio and my Legião Urbana's cd
If he wants to go to the beach, he will have to check how the weather is
If we want to eat a cake, we will have to bake it
If you want all the answers, you will have to learn English