Inglês, perguntado por l3t1c1alele, 7 meses atrás

1. You _____________ Help me if you don´t have time. I can do the job myself. * 0 pontos a. arent´t able to b. mustn´t c. don´t have to 2. ________________ yu help me? * 0 pontos a. May b. Will c. Shall 3. You ____________ go into that room. It´s forbidden! * 0 pontos a. mustn´t b. don´t have to c. might not

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por laurainsabraldmafra

1. You don´t have to Help me if you don´t have time. I can do the job myself.

2. Will you help me?

3. You mustn´t go into that room. It´s forbidden!

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