Inglês, perguntado por estrela8116, 3 meses atrás

1 - Write the comparative or superlative forms of the adjectives in parentheses and find out the advantages and disadvantages of city and country life. City life vs country life: As a born-and-raised city girl, having temporarily adopted a country life in Australia, I think it is safe to say I have experienced the (good) and possibly (bad) ________of both worlds. They are two entirely different ways of life - each with their own advantages and disadvantages. City Life - Advantages. (good)______The variety of accommodation available is even (wide)________ Urban lofts, flats, houses, skyscrapers, hovels, you name it. A faux pas or fall-out with somebody is easily overcome. Just make new friends and hang out with different people. Proximity to fire departments, police, and hospitals can make city living(safe) ______​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por mikaellykevenly78


a tradução em português e


1 - Escreva as formas comparativas ou superlativas dos adjetivos entre parênteses e descubra as vantagens e desvantagens da vida na cidade e no campo. Vida na cidade x vida no campo: Como uma garota nascida e criada na cidade, tendo temporariamente adotado uma vida no campo na Austrália, acho que é seguro dizer que experimentei o (bom) e possivelmente (ruim) ________ de ambos os mundos. São duas formas de vida totalmente diferentes - cada uma com suas próprias vantagens e desvantagens. Vida na cidade - vantagens. (bom) ______ A variedade de acomodações disponíveis é até (ampla) ________ Lofts urbanos, flats, casas, arranha-céus, casebres, etc. Uma gafe ou desavença com alguém é facilmente superada. Basta fazer novos amigos e sair com pessoas diferentes. A proximidade de bombeiros, polícia e hospitais pode tornar a vida na cidade (segura) ______

kayquekau909: n queremos atrauçao o jamanta só oq deve ser colocado nas linhas apresentadas no texto
NERDlorenzo27: tá,mmmmmaaaasssss,não queremos a tradução,queremos as respostas das que estao faltando
jhessyramos82101: ler o texto
Respondido por lfmagalhaes735


City life vs country life: As a born-and-raised city girl, having temporarily adopted a country life in Australia, I think it is safe to say I have experienced the best and possibly worst of both worlds. They are two entirely different ways of life - each with their own advantages and disadvantages.

City Life - Advantages

[...] The variety of accommodation available is even wider. Urban lofts, flats, houses, skyscrapers, hovels, you name it. A faux pas or fall-out with somebody is easily overcome. Just make new friends and hang out with different people. Proximity to fire departments, police, and hospitals can make city living safer.

City Life – Disadvantages

[…] Cities are inherently expensive. Besides the highest cost of living, something

happens whenever I find myself in a city: I spend more money. I don’t even know where it goes. It just...

goes. The anonymity can be suffocating. Crime higher. Competition for jobs is fiercest. When newcomers move to the area, they’re likely to move to the city.

Espero ter ajudado!!

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