Inglês, perguntado por yasminmariz315, 3 meses atrás

1-Write in the plural:

a- There is on the corner.

b- There is a bus in the picture.

c- There is a boy in the car.

d- There is a blue car in the street.

2- Change to negative form.

a- There are cars in the street.

b- There is a bus in the picture.

c- There was a plane in the sky.

3-Change to interrogative form:

a- There is on the corner.

b- There is a bus in the picture.

c- There is a boy in the car.

d- There is a blue car in the street.

4-Complete the phrases with a or an:

a) She has _____ white dog.

b) He wants _____ piece of that cake.

c) I love to eat _____ apple every morning.

d) She has ____ interesting ide

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Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  There is / There are

1- Write in the plural:

a- There are ???? on the corner.

b- There are buses in the picture.

c- There are boys in the car.

d- There are blue cars in the street.

2- Change to negative form.

a- There aren't cars in the street.

b- There isn't a bus in the picture.

c- There wasn't a plane in the sky.

3- Change to interrogative form:

a- Is there ????  on the corner?

b- Is there a bus in the picture?

c- Is there a boy in the car?

d- Is there  a blue car in the street?

4- Complete the phrases with ''a'' or ''an'':

a) She has a white dog.

b) He wants a piece of that cake.

c) I love to eat an apple every morning.

d) She has an interesting idea.


⇒⇒ There to be >>> verbo haver / existir. Pode ser usado no presente, passado e futuro

→→ There is - simple present - singular

There is a girl here. - Há uma garota aqui.  

There is not a girl here. - Não há uma garota aqui.

Is there a girl in the living room? - Há uma garota na sala de visitas?

→→ There are - simple present - plural

There are five girls here - Há cinco garotas aqui.  

There are not five girls here - Não há cinco garotas aqui.

Are there some boys at the club? - Há alguns meninos no clube?

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