1. When I was a student, I used to___________ (work) in a restaurant called Marmalade and
Friends. It was in Brighton near the sea front.
2. When I worked there, I used to _____________(go) to bed very late at night and
_____________(get up) very early.
3. It is very difficult to get used to __________________(work) nights. It's much better and easier to
work days.
4. Are you getting used to_______________(live) in your new flat yet?
5. She isn't used to___________________ (fly) on her own. She is always terrified
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: “Used to”, Simple Past or Simple Present. Be
careful! Some verbs are in the negative form.
1. The Burns (live) ........................................... in Glasgow before they (move) .............................. to
2. When she was at school she (like) ..................................................... getting up early but now she
(not mind) ......................................
3. There (be) ..................................... a butcher’s shop on the corner when I (be) ........................... a
4. He (like) ........................... classical music at all but now that he knows more about it he enjoys it
very much.
5. Before she (have) .............................. the twins she (work) ................................ in her parents
6. I never (smoke) ................................. a lot and then last year I (give) .................................. it up
Soluções para a tarefa
Preenchendo as lacunas com os verbos, temos:
1. work
2. go / get up
3. work
4. live
5. fly
2) Colocando os verbos entre parênteses no tempo verbal correto (used to, Simple Past, Simple Present), temos:
1. lived / move
2. used to like / doesn't mind
3. was / was
4. didn't like
5. had / used to work
6. smoked / gave
Used to
É um verbo auxiliar, modal, utilizado para descrever eventos do passado que eram frequentes, habituais. Traduz-se como "costumava".
- Before she had the twins, she used to work in her parents restaurant.
- Antes de ter os gêmeos, ela costumava trabalhar no restaurante dos seus pais.
Seu uso segue a seguinte estrutura, nas frases afirmativas:
- Sujeito + used to + verbo principal no infinitivo + restante da frase.
- She + used to + like + getting up early.
- Ela costumava gostar de acordar cedo.
Nas frases negativas:
- Sujeito + did + not + used to + verbo principal infinitivo + resto da frase.
- She + did + not + used to + like + getting up early.
- Ela não costumava gostar de acordar cedo.
Nas Interrogativas:
- Did + sujeito + used to + verbo principal infinitivo + resto da frase.
- Did + She + used to + like + getting up early?
- Ela costumava gostar de acordar cedo?
Para ver mais usos com used to, acesse: https://brainly.com.br/tarefa/26098661
Simple Past
Tempo verbal que indica uma ação ocorrida no passado. Ele é formado, nas frases afirmativas:
- acrescentando-se "ed", "d" ou "ied" após os verbos regulares. Ex.: love => loved. Study => studied. Talk => talked.
Nos verbos irregulares, o passado será feito de maneiras diferentes. É preciso gravar. Ex.: drink => drank (não drinked - isso não existe, está errado).
Para perguntas, usa-se o auxiliar do, no passado "did". Ex.:
- Did he talk to you yesterday?
- Did they play football last year?
E para negações, também usa-se o "did" acompanhado de "not". Ex.:
- He did not talk to me yesterday.
- They didn't play football last year.
Obs.: no verbo To Be, o passado faz-se com was (I, He, She, It) e were (You, We, They).
Para saber mais sobre o passado simples, acesse: https://brainly.com.br/tarefa/42493549
Simple Present
É usado quando as pessoas querem falar de ações que ocorrem de forma constante no tempo presente, no agora.
Ex.: work (trabalhar), dormir (sleep), comer (eat) etc.
No verbo to be, que é irregular, a conjugação verbal do Presente, nas frases afirmativas, é:
- I am (perceba que nessa pessoa a forma do verbo muda)
- You are
- He, She, It is (perceba que nessas pessoas a forma do verbo muda)
- We are
- You are
- They are
Na interrogativa, inverte-se o verbo e a pessoa:
- Am I
- Are you
- Is He, She, It
- Are We
- Are You
- Are They
Na negativa, adicionamos o not, que pode se contrair, juntando-se ao verbo (menos na primeira pessoa, cuja contração se dará apenas entre ela e o verbo)
- I am not / I'm not
- You are not / You're not / You aren't
- He, She, It is not / He's, She's, It's not / He, She, It isn't
- We are not / We're not / We aren't
- You are not / You're not / You aren't
- They are not / They're not / They aren't
Para os demais, se forem verbos regulares:
- afirmativa, você deve acrescentar um "es", "ies" ou "s" ao final deles, quando conjugados, para as pessoas "she", "he" e "it";
- interrogativa: use o does para He, She e It e o do para as outras pessoas, colocando-os antes delas;
- negativa: use o does seguido de not para He, She e It, e o do seguido de not para as demais pessoas.
Obs.: o do e o does também podem se juntar ao not = doesn't / don't.
Para saber mais sobre o Present Simple, acesse: brainly.com.br/tarefa/13501235