Inglês, perguntado por karinebarbosa11, 1 ano atrás

1. This is a letter from a victim off bullying. Complete the text by putting the verbs in the correct tense. 
My name-------(be) Sarah and I-----(be) from Bristol. Some years ago, I---- (be) bullied by a huge group of girls, not physically, but mentally. I----(lose) all my friends because they----(be) afraid of the girls, too. I---(tell) a teacher but he ------(can/not) stop them. After months and months, I---(tell) my mom what---(be/happen). She----(be) great and----(warn) the bullies off, but it---(be) too late for me and I----(end up) having a nervous breakdown when I----(be) only 15 years old, So, if you-----(be) bullied lately, however hard it may seem, you-----(have) to tell someone. 
2. Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences. 
A) My computer is out of order, but---- is working. 
a) your 
b) our 
c) his 
d) their 
B) Carlos has eaten his snack already, but I’m saving--- for later. 
a) hers 
b) her 
c) mine 
d) my 
C) We gave them--- e-mail address, and they gave us----. 
a) ours, their 
b) our, theirs 
c) ours, theirs 
d) our, their 
D) You can’t get all Easter aggs for yourself. They are all-----. 
a) your 
b) its 
c) her 
d) ours 
3. Developing film negatives. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the Passive voice (Present). 
In darkness the reel---- (load) with film. It--------- (place) in the tank and then the tank----(cover). 
Developer-------- (pour) into the tank. It----- (agitate) ate intervals and then it---- (pour) out. 
Stop bath------- (pour) into the tank, it-------- (agitate) and it-------- (pour) out. These steps-------- (repeat) with a fixer. 
Finally, the film----- (wash) and it------- (hang) in the air to dry. 
4. Complete the text with passive forms of the verbs given in the box (Present Simple and Past Simple only). 
Brasília, the capital of Brazil, ---- (consider) a monument to what Brazilians can do and have done. Visitors to Brasília ------ (offer) a view of the future when they faze the large, innovative buildings and the futuristic qualities of the city’s architectural plan. 
The idea of moving the capital inland---- first----- (present) in 1823, by José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva, a counselor and minister of D. Pedro II. The name “Brasília” ------ also ---- (suggest) by him, then. When Brazil became a republic and its first constitution----- (write) (in 1891), the document stated that na area of 14,400 square kilometers would belong to the government for the creation of a new capital. This área----- (name) the Federal District. 
However, very few steps---- (take) towards building the new capital for many years. A symbolic cornerstone---- (place) in 1992, but nothing else---- (do) at the time. 
When Juscelino Kubitschek---- (elect) president, he vowed to honor the constitution. With the slogan “50 years in 5”, he obtained Congressional permission and the construction began in 1956. 
The contests between architects and urban planners over who would plan Brasília---- (win) by Lúcio Costa with his Pilot Plan, whose layout resembled a bird in flight, or na airplane. Costa’s friend, Oscar Niemeyer, was the architect of many public buildings in Brasília. 
The city----- (inaugurate) as the new capital of Brazil on April 21, 1960, although the construction was not yet complete. Originally the city------- (plan) for a maximum of 500,000 residents, but thousands of the workers that went there to build it decided to stay. Many “satellite” cities----(build) surrounding Brasília in order to house the workers and many newcomers who headed for the new capital city. And the city continues growing amid the cerrado scenery! 
5. Complete with question tags. 
a) You are late,----------? 
b) People don’t respect nature in this country,--------? 
c) These books will cost me a fortune,-----------? 
d) It hás rained a lot lately,--------------? 
e) That girl isn’t smiling at you,--------------? 
f) The storm destroyed several houses yesterday,------------? 
g) The bridge wasn’t washed away by the storm,-----------? 
h) The policemen didn’t arrest the thieves,------------? 
i) You could buy me a coke,-------------? 
j) It often rains at this time of the year,-----------? 
k) Somebody hás made a mess in my room,----------------? 
l) Keep na eye on my things,----------------? 
m) Let’s save some money for our summer vacation,-------------? 
n) I’m not going to fail the exam,------------? 
6. Correct the mistakes. 
a) They live in Curitiba, doesn’t it? 
b) There is a lot of milk in the fridge, isn’t it? 
c) He is not a nice guy, isn’t he? 
d) My mother is 80 years old, hasn’t she? 
e) Does Tom like tennis, doesn’t he? 
f) You aren’t left-handed, aren’t you? 
g) My cousin’s been to Europe, isn’t he? 
h) You haven’t got a red car, haven’t you? 

Os ------ é o lugar onde deve estar a resposta correta.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por RenataAndrade
My name IS... and I AM....I WAS... I LOST... because THEY WERE... I TOLD... but he CAN'T... I TOLD my mom what HAPPENED... She WAS and WARNED... It WAS... I ENDED UP...When I WAS... if you WERE... you HAD.

2) A
B) C
C) D
D) D
Loads- Is

A monument..
Was first Present??
Was also suggested
Was inaugurated

A ) Aren't you?
B ) Do people?
C ) Won't cost?
D ) Hasn't it?
E ) Is she?
F ) Didn't destroy?
G ) Was it?
H ) Did he?
I ) Don't you keep?
J ) Isn't it?

K ) Hasn't made?
L ) Don't you keep?
M ) Doesn't we?
N ) Am not I?

A) They live in Curitiba, Do they?
B) There is a lot of milk in the fridge, Isn't there?
C) He is not a nice guy, Is he?
D) My mother is 80 years old, isn't she?
E) Do Tom like tennis, Don't he?
F) You are left-handed, aren't you?
G) My cousin is In Europe, isn't he?
H)You haven't got a red car, Have you?

AllanaKarine: Ótima resposta! :)
RenataAndrade: Ah obrigada. Confesso que cansei e pensei em desistir mas resolvi continuar. Espero poder ajudar mais vezes. =)
Respondido por Jaqueline07
My name--IS-----(be) Sarah and I---AM--(be) from Bristol. Some years ago, I---WAS- (be) bullied by a huge group of girls, not physically, but mentally. I--LOST--(lose) all my friends because they--WERE--(be) afraid of the girls, too. I-TOLD--(tell) a teacher but he --COULDN'T----(can/not) stop them. After months and months, I-TOLD--(tell) my mom what--WAS HAPPENED-(be/happen). She-WAS---(be) great and--WARNED--(warn) the bullies off, but it-WAS--(be) too late for me and I----(end up) having a nervous breakdown when I----(be) only 15 years old, So, if you---ARE--(be) bullied lately, however hard it may seem, you-HAVE----(have) to tell someone. 
2. Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences. 
A) My computer is out of order, but---- is working. 
a) your 
b) our 
c) his 
d) their 
B) Carlos has eaten his snack already, but I’m saving--- for later. 
a) hers 
b) her 
c) mine 
d) my 
C) We gave them--- e-mail address, and they gave us----. 
a) ours, their 
b) our, theirs 
c) ours, theirs 
d) our, their 
D) You can’t get all Easter aggs for yourself. They are all-----. 
a) your 
b) its 
c) her 
d) ours 

o resto n sei, desculpa
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