Inglês, perguntado por dipaulaarine, 9 meses atrás

1) Substitua os substantivos nas frases por: he, she, it ou they:

a) Karen isn't at school today. ____________________
b) Kelly and Julie are my friends. _______________
c) Is Carlos a pilot ? _____________
d) Estela is at the hospital. ___________________
e) The door is blue. __________________

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por marianafandra
a) She isn't at school today

b) They are my friends

c) Is he a pilot?

d) She is at the hospital

e) It is blue

dipaulaarine: Obrigadooooooo *-*
marianafandra: nadaaaaaaaa *-*
marianafandra: espero ter ajudado!!!
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